실천한다면 절대로 후회하지 않을 52가지

2018년 7월 13일
실천한다면 절대로 후회하지 않을 52가지.
1. rereading your favorite book
2. taking a lot, hot bath
3. watching the sun rises
4. following through with something even when it gets hard 5. making exercise a priority.
6. taking classes that you’re really interested in
7. skipping that last tequila shot of the night
8. drinking a big glass of water
9. saying thank you
10. going to bed an hour earlier
11. hugging whenever you get the chance
12. listening to your parents’ advices
13. putting money aside to save for later
14. slowing down to enjoy the little things in life.
15. falling in love
16. washing your face before bed
17. learning to cook
18. taking a day off of work
19. writing things down that you want to remember 20. quitting a job you really hate
21. quitting a bad habit
22. doing the dishes after you finish eating
23. setting up an automatic 401k deduction 24. standing for what you believe in
25. learning a new language
26. forgiving someone.
